Sunday 10 July 2016

Wallpaper - Upping the Wow Factor

In recent years, the resurgence of wallpaper in domestic interiors has opened up another layer in the decorating realm.

Modern day wallpapers are a far cry from the days of old.

Whilst traditional printing techniques such as surface printing, gravure printing, silk screen printing, and rotary printing, continue to be used today, it is the emergence of digital printing technology that has allowed for almost any image or design to be printed onto wallpaper, opening up so many new design possibilities.

While textile wallpapers such as silk, linen, and grasscloth are still being manufactured, the introduction of vinyl coated wallpapers has become a popular choice for both residential and commercial applications due to its durability and ease of use.

Application methods and adhesives have now also improved.  New paste-the-wall varieties make the job a little easier.

The Wow Factor

One area where wallpaper has proved to really elevate a room is the powder room.  What could easily be a boring (often white) small room can be given so much personality with the use of a bold wallpaper, a gorgeous mirror, a beautiful light fitting, and a couple of good quality accessories.

Often, where homeowners are hesitant to use wallpaper in their homes for fear of commitment, the powder room is a great place to start making a larger decorating statement.

Here are a few examples:

So, are you ready to take the wallpaper plunge?

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