Friday 8 July 2016

The Rise of Bespoke as a Design Trend

bespoke [bih-spohk] adj.

{ made to individual order; custom made }

'Bespoke' seems to have become a more familiar word in the interior design world in the last couple of years.

Previously, bespoke design has been the realm of the wealthy or upper class, however with a more intense interest in our interiors and so much information available on television, in print, media, and the internet, the importance of good design is becoming more widely appreciated as having a greater potential impact on the way we live our lives.

These days we all seem to live such busy lives, often juggling several tasks at once.  If thoughtful design can be tailor-made to fit with our own unique lifestyle, then that design has the potential to have a great impact on the efficiency and enjoyment of our lives.  If a simple repetitive task that we perform everyday can be streamlined, imagine how much time it could save us over a year to re-allocate to more important matters.


Bespoke design can also enable a more efficient use of space within our homes, therefore enabling more effective storage, or fit in something that was previously out of the question.  It means that we do not have to accept pre-made generic items that are out there for the masses, but we can tailor them to fit our lives, who we are, and how we live.


Think of the difference a bespoke wardrobe can make to your experience of getting ready in the morning - better organisation and cohesion so everything can fit neatly, functionally, and efficiently.  No more searching for those shoes at the back of the closet when you are hurrying to get out the door!

Both images via Bravo London

Stairwell Spaces

Another excellent use of sometimes otherwise wasted space is to utilise storage around a stairwell.

Reading Nook

A Design Statement

Bespoke storage can also make a beautiful design statement too.  Who wouldn't love to have one of these in their homes?

Above images via Filip Janssens

So, I think we can see why the bespoke trend has gained momentum in the last few years - greater efficiency, tailor-made spaces, and the potential for a design statement are all great reasons to make use of any available opportunities.

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